Remember the Imac? One of the most popular computer booms in history, and it never appealed to me- but this does.
The new Litl promises good design to users, where everything is automatic. It's a fun computer, "and while you sleep, it updates itself".... I'm not sure how it knows you sleep at 2pm, but way to go litl. It's flip screen does more than change the orientation of a screen view, but the entire way the computer takes in that information. For instance, turns from it's regular screen to a very very simple look and feel aesthetic (as seen above).
Other neat things (that make me nervous)? The way you find files is through a search box. period. This sounds fantastic for women, but my memory of mens' navigation studies doesn't usually include "and he goes straight to the search box" ... isn't that why those jokes about men asking for directions exist? I just have this idea of the ol'e hubby sitting at the thing for an hour (refusing to ask me how to find something)to look for a drop down menu that doesn't exist (much like my first experience with a Mac).
All in all, I think the litl is beautiful. I just hope users can keep up with it!